Hydrant Meter Application

Approximate Start Date of Current Service:
Approximate End Date of Current Service

By clicking 'I Agree' below, I am applying for contractor water service with the City of Denison, to be charged standard rates set by the City. I understand that the connection fee is non-refundable, and the deposit will be applied to my final bill when service is terminated and the meter is pulled. I consent to any fees assessed for damage to the city’s water system due to tampering with, injuring, damaging, or defacing the meter, the hydrant, hydrant wrench, or other fixture or appliance belonging to the city’s water system. I agree to contact the Utility Billing office when I am finished using the meter and to ensure that it is back in City possession and to return the hydrant wrench (if applicable) when I am finished with the water meter. I will be liable for any costs that may apply from failure to do so.

By clicking ‘I Agree’ below you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the above statement. *
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