How to Start Composting in Your Own Backyard

Summer is here, and Texans have already seen rising temperatures. Warmer, drier weather can be hard on your garden and backyard, but composting is a great way to not only nourish your soil but reduce waste and save a little money. Take Care of Texas presents the video "How to Start Composting in Your Own Backyard." Travis County Master Gardener Patricia Mokry demonstrates a number of simple ways you can begin or improve your backyard compost pile. 

What is compost?

Compost forms when you mix together things like leaves, grass clippings, vegetable and fruit scraps, coffee grounds, and used tea bags. When combined with heat and water, the mixture breaks down into a nutrient-rich material that can enrich your soil. Why compost?

  • Save money - a healthy garden needs less water and fertilizer and you won’t need lawn and leaf bags.
  • Save time - no more bagging cut grass or leaves. And applying less fertilizer and water means you’ll have more time to enjoy your yard.
  • Take Care of Texas - you’ll extend the life of landfills, conserve water, and reduce water pollution from fertilizer run off.

Take Care of Texas has a handy guide on mulching and composting available to download free of charge.