City Attorney

Role of the City Attorney's Office

The City Attorney's Office is the chief legal advisor and attorney to the City Council and all City departments and boards. The City Attorney is appointed by, and serves at the pleasure of the City Council. The City Attorney represents the city governmental entity as a whole, not individual City officials or employees.

The City Attorney is ethically obligated to represent and seek the best interests of the municipal organization as directed by the duly-elected officials and appointed senior officials of the organization.

The City Attorney does not provide legal services or advice to individual citizens for personal legal problems (such as divorce, child custody and support, property disputes, probate matters, etc.) However, the City Attorney's Office is available to explain city ordinances and processes in response to questions from citizens. Any statement about or discussion with a citizen is only an effort to extend city services and is not legal advice to the citizen. The City Attorney cannot provide information about how to sue the City.

The City Attorney's Office also prosecutes violations of the City of Denison Code of Ordinances and Class C misdemeanors in Municipal Court. 

The City Attorney cannot refer you to or endorse any private practice attorney. If you need an attorney, here are a few suggestions:

Contact an attorney referral service such as the State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Service (click on helpful links for contact information).
Contact Legal Aid of Northwest Texas which offers low-cost legal services based on your ability to pay (click on helpful links for contact information).