Leak Repair Affidavit

From the time that a customer notifies the Utilities Office of a leak, the customer has 30 days to provide proof of repair and turn in a leak repair affidavit. Accounts that have provided proof of repair but have not yet been granted a leak adjustment will agree to pay a minimum amount monthly until the leak adjustment has been applied. The adjustment shall not be made until a full 30-day billing cycle without the repaired leak has passed, and the adjustment will not exceed the most recent three overstated billings, and credit will only be given for 50% of the adjustment amount.   Adjustments will only be allowed 1 time per 12-month period, per account. Accounts that do not make the agreed-up monthly minimum payment while awaiting an adjustment at least every 45 days will be disconnected for non-payment.  Leak adjustments should be calculated by one of the following methods, depending on data available. 1) Based on prior leak consumption:  Once a leak is repaired and consumption resumes to normal, the adjustment on the overstated bills will be adjusted to the average of the three billings prior to the leak. 2) Based on prior year’s consumption:  If a leak is repaired and there is not sufficient pre-leak consumption available, then consumption for the prior three years for those same months being adjusted, will be used to calculate the amounts.