Training Division

DFR-Training Division

The Denison Fire Rescue Training Division is under the leadership of Training Chief Roger Virgin and Training Captain Paul Graxiola. The mission of the Training Division is to ensure all first responders are mission ready for any type of emergency call that comes in. This includes all types of fires and medical emergencies as well as special team operations in the following disciplines:

  • rescue/recovery diving
  • swift water rescue
  • high angle rescue
  • confined space rescue

The mission is accomplished through a strict training regimen consisting of classroom learning, strategic evolutions, and simulated emergencies. 

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Training 1
physical agility training
Training 1
Training 3
Training 6
Training 7
Training 8
Training 9
Training 10
Training 13
Training 14
high angle rescue
high angle rescue
high angle rescue
swift water rescue
swift water rescue
swift water rescue
swift water rescue
swift water rescue
extrication training
extrication training
extrication training
Dive boat training
Dive boat training
Dive boat training
Wilderness two