Public Relations

Denison Fire Rescue takes great pride in our responsibility to our city and the people we serve. That's why we're grateful to take every opportunity we can to interact with the public in a meaningful way. Even if it's just a quick pick-up game at the basketball courts or a simple wave to kids when they see the fire truck pass by, we strive to set a positive example anytime we're out in the public.

Every October during fire prevention week, our top priority (aside from emergency response of course) is providing fire safety education in our schools. Feedback suggests that the kids take information home and encourage their families t0 be more proactive with fire safety and preparedness. In turn, this helps protect families and enhance their quality of life. In addition to fire prevention week each year, we actively participate in downtown events, safety fairs, health fairs, and any other event where our presence can benefit the public.

Some examples include:


Fire Extinguisher Training and Demonstration

This class includes discussion of the different types of fire and the correct extinguisher to use for each. Also included are the determining factors to know when deciding whether to fight the fire and the correct procedure to follow when doing so. Participants are provided an opportunity to use a fire extinguisher on a controlled fire.

Fire Safety in the Workplace

Employees and employers are instructed to be proactive in fire safety planning in this class offered to area businesses. Fire fighters stress the importance of making fire safety each employee's responsibility.

Fire Safety Literature

Brochures, pamphlets, and booklets on a wide range of fire safety subjects are available from the Community Outreach and Education Office.

Fire Station Tours

Tours may be scheduled for any of Denison’s fire stations. Tours are recommended for children 3 years of age and older.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

fireworks show
PR 1
PR 2
PR 3
PR 4
PR 5
PR 6
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PR 8
PR 9
PR 0
main street event
PR 13
PR 14
PR 15
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PR 17
PR 21