Water Main Breaks

Water main breaks are unpredictable and happen for various reasons as a normal part of operating a water utility.

  • Overly dry or wet weather causes the ground to shift
  • Sudden pressure fluctuations
  • Normal aging

The Public Works Department strives to make necessary repairs as quickly and safely as possible.

Sequence of Work

  • Line locates are called in to mark underground utilities such as gas, cable, electric and phone.
    • Excavation may not begin until lines are marked or no response within two (2) hours.
  • Street closures and safety signage may be necessary to control traffic and keep workers and citizens safe.
  • Excavation of the main line may expose a minor leak which sometimes can be repaired without shutting water off.
  • Major leaks require the crews to isolate the pipe by shutting off valves and temporarily placing the water supply of-of-service for the time necessary to make the repairs.
  • After repair or replacement of the broken pipe, it is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and flushed prior to being reconnected to the system.


Denison personnel respond to water leaks at any time of the day or night, and we genuinely appreciate when a report is made to us. To report a water leak during normal business hours, make note of the address or approximate location of the leak and call 903-465-2720 x2046. If you are calling after hours or on a holiday, please call 903-465-2720 Ext. 5105.

Since water is such a valued resource and because any leak can become much worse in a short amount of time, it is requested that all leaks be reported timely by telephone instead of via email.